Wednesday, November 30, 2005

The Biggest Risk

Last week, I happened to come accross a job site. There was an article under resources section titled "10 Really Good Reasons To Quit Your Job And Start Your Own Business

"Wow! I was suprised. Isn't that contradicting! At one side, jobs were being offered and the other side you are being given 10 Reasons to Quit Your Job.This just ensures the fact that most of the people NEVER EVER think any options other than JOB. They long for it, search for it, hang on to it and cling on to it. Even though, the article gives some good rock solid reasons right under your nose it will definitely be ignored by almost 97%.

Are you so scared to do something new? Do you degrade yourself so much that you can consider yourself to be fit for only jobs? Are you scared that something happens to your job how will you ever survive? If you are not willing to do something different then you got NO RIGHT to crib about your present conditions or job.Its TIME to think.

Though no one can ever guarantee you success on your first different venture except you. Well, this thought should not act as a deterrent for not TRYING. It might be a risk.BUT, THE BIGGEST RISK IS NOT TRYING.I like the quote mentioned in the article, which was taken from the book The Artist's Way : "Leap, and the net will appear"

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Monday, November 21, 2005

The 80-20 Rule

You know the reason why there are very less people who are rich.
Well, one reason is the 80-20 rule.
80% of the world's wealth is shared by 20% of the people
AND 20% is shared by 80% of the people.
Not fair. Well, that's the way it is.

More examples of 80-20 Rule.
80% of a manager's interruptions come from the same 20% of the people
80% of a problem can be solved by identifying the correct 20% of the issues
80% of advertising results come from 20% of your campaign.
80% of an equipment budget comes from 20% of the items
80% of an instructor's time is taken up by 20% of the students
80% of benefit comes from the first 20% of effort
80% of customer complains are about the same 20% of your projects, products, services.
80% of network traffic stays within the LAN while 20% needs to cross the backbone.
80% of our personal telephone calls are to 20% of the people in our address book
80% of our shipments utilize 20% of your inventory.
80% of sales time is spent on 20% of the customers, who may not be the profitable 20%
80% of the decisions made in meetings come from 20% of the meeting time
80% of the outfits we wear come from 20% of the clothes in our closets and drawers
80% of the traffic in town travels over 20% of the roads
80% of what we produce is generated during 20% of our working hours
80% of your annual sales come from 20% of your sales force
80% of your future business comes from 20% of your customers
80% of your growth comes from 20% of your products
80% of your innovation comes from 20% of your employees or customers
80% of your profits come from 20% of your customers
80% of your staff headaches come from 20% of our employees
80% of your success comes from 20% of your efforts
80% of your website traffic comes from 20% of your pages

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Sunday, November 13, 2005

JOB - Are you just made for that?

Recently, I was just having a small talk with one of my colleagues. I asked him, if you were to search for something on the Internet what would you search for. He answered better job.. another job ... better prospects... and finally said he needs money.
Thats what I want to hear. So, you need money. Then why don't you search for ways to make money. Are we only fit to do jobs, work for others. Can't you think beyond that? Job is one way of getting money. There are other ways also. Find that out.

You know what a JOB is , its Just Over Broke

Make money in spare time with zero Investment.

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Friday, November 04, 2005

Educated - Ego Problem

A fictitious situation.

You are having a white collar job. Manager, Softare Engineer etc.

Spent a lot of time, money and enery becoming a professional. Your are stressed daily with deadlines, work pressures, long working hours, no weekends etc. For all the trouble, trauma and pain you undergo, you get a paycheck of X amount.

Suddenly the trade of Janitor/Housekeeping comes in great demand. Companies are ready to shell out huge amount of money. The paycheck is more than 10 times what you current white collar job gives you. Work is only 8 hours. No pressure. No deadline.

Would you accept the position? Would you be prepared to work as Janitor? No.
You got to be kidding when saying No to a super duper unbelievable offer. You will do the work of Janitor for 9 hours and you will live like a King for the remaining 15 hours of the day. Still, you are opting to choose the white collar job with all the stinking policies and procedures.

Well, is that what you call a Ego Problem as a result of your education.
Hmmm. you seem to be truly educated! Are you?

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Foundation for Success

Like everything solid, you must build success on a strong and lasting foundation. Life is but a chain of moments and success depends on the choices you make in your daily actions. Reading books, attending seminars, discussing your life with friends, listening to success coaches is just not enough to ensure success in life.

OPEN OPEN your heart and your mind.

Free them both of all beliefs that don’t serve you on your journey to success, wealth and happiness. Prepare yourself to consider and adopt new ways of thinking, feeling, and living and apply them everyday to every part of your life. You will find happiness, but only in your own unique special way. Your success and happiness depend on first discovering what you want from your life and then enjoying what you do along the path to fulfilling that desire. 99% of the world’s workforce HATES their job. Which clearly means that people everywhere are spending an average of 50 hours every week doing something they hate and try to become rich doing it. This does not work! You can only be successful in life if you are doing what you enjoy. WHY? because you are doing what you love, what you enjoy, creating a special vibration with your thoughts and emotions. You create yourselves.

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Jackpot! Today and Bankrupt after 100 days!

Who in the world doesn't dream of winning a lottery? How desperately people long to become rich overnight. As a matter of fact, the lottery business thrives just because of mans desire to get rich overnight.
Truly enough, many people do get lucky and hit the jackpot or a substantial amount. Sadly enough, these people go bankrupt, back to their previous situation or even worse than that almost overnight.
These people are unable to manage money and hence land into n number of problems. For many people, sudden money can spell disaster.We need financial knowledge. We need to educate ourselves to manage money.
Because the winners have a large sum of money, they make the mistake of thinking they know what they're doing. They are willing to plunk down large sums on investments they know nothing about or go in with a partner who may not know how to run a business.
Well, what would you do if you win a JackPot? A dream - can become true. Anyway, lets put down an action plan. So, you wont be in for a surprise if you get lucky :) and come back to this site to check out what you would have done and now going to do.

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Success - Education & Financial Freedom

In one a single line. 'You no longer work for money - it just follows you.' Look at a situation.Person A derives 100% income from Source 1. Person B derives 1% from from Source 1, 1% from Source 2, 1% from Source 3 and so on....100% income is generated from 100 sources. Who is having a better income pattern a more secured one. Absolutely right! Person B. If something has happens to his 50 sources of income he still has 50% income. Sadly for person B, if something happens to his only Source. Just Imagine !

Success. A word which holds different meaning for different people. For me it could mean like each day should be Sunday :). For someone else it might mean owning a beautiful house, for another it could mean having a big bank balance etc etc.

Success is simply accomplishing what you set out to do. Usually people fall in four quadrants.
1 - Lots of Money No Time - Professionals (IT,Doctors,Businessmen..)
2 - Lots of Time No Money - Unemployed Lot
3 - No Money, No Time - Still unemployed but no time to do anything.
4 - Plenty of Time and Money - Guys who have Financial Freedom.

EVERYONE would like to be in that Group 4. Well, who wouldn't? But are you prepared to do something to have that. Are you prepared to keep an open mind, look out for information and help which can put you into category number 4. And willing to learn ways to achieve it. You need to think differently if you want to be in the 4th quadrant. That’s a SECURED QUADRANT! - FINANCIAL FREEDOM. How does education relate to that? If you are truly educated that does not mean you have a lot of general or specific knowledge. Being truly, educated means you have learned how to get what you want in a completely legal manner. You have learned to get knowledge and put it to a specific action. Formal Education - nothing. With meaningful education - everything. To be successful you need to know how to get information and knowledge you need to apply it towards your goal. To be successful, you need to know who to get the information from. These type of skill have nothing to do with a college degree.

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