The Biggest Risk
Last week, I happened to come accross a job site. There was an article under resources section titled "10 Really Good Reasons To Quit Your Job And Start Your Own Business
"Wow! I was suprised. Isn't that contradicting! At one side, jobs were being offered and the other side you are being given 10 Reasons to Quit Your Job.This just ensures the fact that most of the people NEVER EVER think any options other than JOB. They long for it, search for it, hang on to it and cling on to it. Even though, the article gives some good rock solid reasons right under your nose it will definitely be ignored by almost 97%.
Are you so scared to do something new? Do you degrade yourself so much that you can consider yourself to be fit for only jobs? Are you scared that something happens to your job how will you ever survive? If you are not willing to do something different then you got NO RIGHT to crib about your present conditions or job.Its TIME to think.
Though no one can ever guarantee you success on your first different venture except you. Well, this thought should not act as a deterrent for not TRYING. It might be a risk.BUT, THE BIGGEST RISK IS NOT TRYING.I like the quote mentioned in the article, which was taken from the book The Artist's Way : "Leap, and the net will appear"